Challenging 5 Retirement Money Myths

In a world inundated with advice, certain retirement money myths persist that make me want to scream. These age-old assertions often go unchallenged, leading many to accept them as inevitable truths. However, it’s time we question these conventions and explore alternative perspectives that empower us to take control of our retirement destinies. Join me as (Learn more!)

9 Ways to Combat Retirement Loneliness

The fear of being alone in retirement is quite common and is second only to the fear of running out of money during retirement. While everyone may experience loneliness at some point in their lives, retirement loneliness presents new and unique challenges. Additionally, the likelihood of experiencing loneliness tends to increase as we age. One (Learn more!)

Novel Gift Ideas That Don’t Take Up Space – for Older Adults

I remember my aunt complaining to her sisters about the gifts they gave my grandmother. She said the gifts were useless dust catchers, knick-knacks, and junk. Please! Give her something practical! Thereafter, I think my grandmother received slippers, nightgowns, and handkerchiefs. Not the most exciting presents, but useful. Now that I’m older and looking around (Learn more!)

11 Items Retirees Should Get Before It’s Too Late

Now that I’m retired, I have more time to ponder. You might say that pondering is my hobby. I once said that if I didn’t have to earn a living, I would sit around and ponder all day. Lately, I’ve been thinking about the future of America. With that said, I’ve been exploring ideas like: (Learn more!)

Gift Ideas for Boomers: 51 Exciting Gifts They’ll Love

Searching for exciting gift ideas for boomers and retirees? Feeling overwhelmed and having a hard time finding a special gift for the boomer in your life? Your search ends here! We’re boomers and retirees. We understand exactly what boomers want. We’re here to help. We’ve curated a collection of 51 exciting gifts for boomers and (Learn more!)

Alarming Statistics: Baby Boomers Overuse Prescription Drugs

Long gone are the 1960s days of flower power and counterculture hippies. However, it seems that my generation still has a penchant for drugs, although the types of drugs have evolved. Prescription drugs like Adderall, Prozac, and Vicodin have replaced the recreational drugs of the past, such as LSD and Mescaline. So, why exactly are (Learn more!)