The fear of being alone in retirement is quite common and is second only to the fear of running out of money during retirement. While everyone may experience loneliness at some point in their lives, retirement loneliness presents new and unique challenges. Additionally, the likelihood (Learn more!)
Health and Wellness
Is physical, social, and mental well-being important to you? Be proactive. Become aware and make choices toward a healthy and fulfilling retirement.
Laughter Yoga for a Joyful Retirement
Today, I’ll embark on a journey into the realm of Laughter Yoga—a combination of laughter and yogic breathing. As older adults, this type of yoga practice has a great impact on our health and longevity. Let’s explore this humble practice. I’ll begin by explaining the (Learn more!)
Retirement: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Thrive
Retirement is the perfect time for a fresh start. It’s a chance to leave behind a stale and unfulfilling lifestyle and step outside of your comfort zone and explore new possibilities. In this post, I’ll look at what it takes to step out of your (Learn more!)
How Resilience Can Help You Cope With Retirement
It’s easy to feel despondent as we see the disappearance of pensions, tumbling 401(k) balances, shrinking dollars, and an unstable housing market. It’s no wonder many feel overwhelmed or even defeated by all of the adversity we may encounter along the way. But there’s a (Learn more!)
Power of Play for Older Adults – 5 Ways to Unleash It
It’s easy to unleash the power of play. It can be as simple as coloring or blowing bubbles. Most agree that laughter is the best medicine and exercise is the cheapest cure. In like manner, play is pleasant and restores our sense of well-being. Play (Learn more!)
Live Longer with Positive Thinking – 7 Tips to Cultivate Optimism
In my mid-30s, I began focusing on the power of positive thinking. Rebel Retiree and I were going through a financial rough patch and I was having a hard time with it. Challenging as it was, I learned a lot about mindset and how optimism (Learn more!)
How to Grow Ashwagandha From Seeds for Healthy Aging
How to grow Ashwagandha from seeds can be a new adventure for healthy aging enthusiasts. Cultivating and growing your medicinal herbs can be a very rewarding experience. Plus, you’ll feel a little more self-sufficient knowing that you’re being proactive with your health. In this article, (Learn more!)
Get a Grip! 3 Hand Strengthening Exercises for Retirees
It’s easy to overlook hand-strengthening exercises when planning our workout routines. We may be more interested in burning belly fat or increasing our cardio endurance. However, maintaining strong hand strength as we grow older is very important. It’s important because hand fitness plays a significant (Learn more!)
4 Natural Stress Relievers for Better Sleep in Older Adults
Stress can wreck a good night’s sleep. However, I have 4 natural stress relievers that can help. I used to think that getting older meant that I would need less sleep than my younger counterparts. Perhaps perpetuated by anecdotal evidence of old guys waking up (Learn more!)
Common Sense Advice for Older Adults [Coronavirus]
Years ago as a hurricane threatened the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, my sister-in-law and I conversed about human nature. People in our community were on high alert for good reason. Store shelves emptied fast of everyday staples like bread and milk. Everyone stocked up on (Learn more!)
How to Survive Your Husband’s Retirement
If you’re looking for tips on how to cope with your husband’s retirement, know that you’re not alone. Many of us have concerns and questions about how to adjust to our husband’s retirement. However, the key to surviving this transition is to start by checking (Learn more!)
10 Positive Lifestyle Choices for a Healthier Retirement
Many of us are probably thinking about setting some goals for a healthier, happier retirement. Maybe you’re planning to start a new exercise routine, or finally get serious about eating more vegetables and less junk food. That’s great! For me? I’ve decided to dive deeper (Learn more!)
Retired and Bored? 50 Boredom Busters
Are you retired and bored; feeling like you’re in a rut? Not to worry! This is not the time for despair; this is the time to move out of your comfort zone, have some fun, and get inspired. With my list of 50 unique Boredom (Learn more!)
Help Your Husband Overcome Fear of Retirement Boredom
Fear of retirement boredom is a serious problem for many men. In fact, a number of them will delay retirement for fear of boredom. Furthermore, a large number of retirees claim they are bored out of their minds after only 6 months to a year (Learn more!)
The Truth About Superfoods and Healthy Aging
Foods and products labeled superfoods are not the answer to healthy aging. In this article, I explain why. We’ve all heard the buzzword “superfoods”. And you may already realize that the food industry uses this term to influence your buying habits. Furthermore, if you’re on (Learn more!)
Can Whole 30 Diet Relieve Joint Pain? A Testimonial
Have you heard of the Whole 30 Diet? I’d never heard of Whole 30 until a childhood friend posted his opinion of it on Facebook. Because of his super-positive experience, he wanted to share it with friends. He posted pictures of himself looking trim and (Learn more!)
Causes of Morning Joint Stiffness – Plus Tips and Tricks for Relief
If you’re like me, you’ve experienced some kind of morning joint stiffness. Rest assured, though, the cause of morning joint stiffness isn’t necessarily because of arthritis or another dreaded condition. While our bodies naturally change as we age, and achy joints tend to increase as (Learn more!)
The Secret to a Long Life [Benefits of Cross Country Skiing]
Apparently, the woman understood the secret to a long life through the benefits of cross-country skiing for older people. “It’s a beautiful day for a workout,” she said as she glided past me skiing with ease like a woman 20 years her junior. My last (Learn more!)
Coping with Top 9 Stressors of Retirement
There’s a unique set of challenges that come with retirement. So, yes, retirement can cause stress. But, stress is a normal part of life. However, with retirement comes aging. This combination may test us more than any other life-changing event we’ve encountered up to this (Learn more!)
How Yoga Relieves Stress and Anxiety in Older Adults
Our bodies are nothing short of miraculous machines. And, the answers to how yoga relieves stress and anxiety in older adults are indeed remarkable. I love yoga anytime. But when I’m stressed, I always go to the mat. It calms me and keeps me sane. By (Learn more!)
Nutritional Benefits of Cucumbers for Healthier Aging
Part of our self-reliant-retirement-lifestyle is growing our own organic vegetables. It helps to round out our food budget without having to pay high prices at the supermarket for organically grown. But, what I truly love are the many health benefits that home-grown vegetables provide. (Find (Learn more!)