Start young, go to college, get a job, be a consumer, borrow beyond your means, gamble with your savings, and hope to have enough money to retire wealthy. Have you ever considered that we’ve been planning for retirement all wrong? Societal Pressures in Retirement Planning (Learn more!)
Self-Reliant Retirement
The opposite of dependent. Reliant on one’s own sources rather than those of others.
Teaching English Online: Supplemental Income for Retirees
Teaching English online may be your money lifeline to skyrocketing prices and dwindling bank accounts. Our wallets are feeling the squeeze. Prices have hit the roof on everything from housing, food, clothing, entertainment, and gas. So, if you’re feeling the financial pinch and are looking (Learn more!)
Best Retirement Advice for Uncertain Times
The best retirement advice for uncertain times is to rely on your judgment rather than on commission-driven “retirement experts”, or the advice of people on social media. Furthermore, retirement decisions based solely on money are like a time bomb waiting to explode. It’s the best (Learn more!)
Retired? 7 Smart Reasons to Downsize to a Smaller Home
Lately, Rebel Retiree and I have been thinking about moving to a smaller home. Before going any further, let me add that we love the home we’re in, particularly its rural location and the abundance of wildlife we get to see in our yard. And (Learn more!)
[Home Exchange]Affordable Travel for Retirees
If you had your druthers, how would you spend your retirement? Many people answer that they would like to travel – to experience foreign countries, see exotic landscapes, or visit all of America’s national parks. However, traveling can be expensive. It’s only a dream for (Learn more!)
Should I Buy a New Car Before I Retire [Consider This First]
The answer to the question, “Should I buy a new car before I retire” is a resounding no! You may be thinking it’s prudent to repair the house, get your teeth fixed, and so on before you retire. But, think about it. Be reasonable. Do (Learn more!)
What Was Retirement Like Before Social Security
Many conclude that retirement before Social Security was horrible, but was it? For nearly 250 years during colonial times, on the frontier, and until the late 1890s, families made their living in rural farm communities. The family unit was self-reliant and self-sufficient. They did not (Learn more!)
The Influence of Peer Pressure on Retirement Plans
Unless you have successfully overcome peer pressure, you may still be conforming to its negative influences, including behaving in ways that your peer group expects regarding your retirement. Before the peer group’s influence, your life was carefree. You were content with simple pleasures, unconcerned with (Learn more!)
What is a Self-Reliant Retiree?
One of the biggest mistakes couples make when they are considering retirement is that they do what’s popular instead of being self-reliant. They conform to what financial planners, friends, in-laws, and even Millennial bloggers say they should do. Most of what these know-it-all-do-gooders say is (Learn more!)
6 Benefits of Vegetable Gardening in Retirement
Do you want to add value to your retirement budget? And stay mentally and physically active in retirement? Then, vegetable gardening is your answer! Simply sow the seeds, then reap the powerful benefits of vegetable gardening. Let’s take a look at how you can do (Learn more!)
Why Baby Boomers Move to Walkable Towns
A growing number of Baby boomers move to walkable towns because of the ideal experience and quality of life that’s offered. If living in a quaint, but cosmopolitan town within walking distance to supermarkets, banking, shopping, and libraries sounds attractive, moving to a walkable town (Learn more!)
Is Living Off-Grid an Option for Retirement?
Is Living Off-Grid an Option for Retirement? Are you dreaming of living off-grid, or asked yourself, “Is living off-grid an option for retirement?” Moving out of town and becoming self-sufficient can be very fulfilling if you live in an urban area and have yearned for (Learn more!)