Long-distance grandparenting is a challenge. I know because I am a long-distance Sweet Mom, Grandma, and Gran.
As a long-distance grandmother, I’ve learned some things about bonding with grandchildren from afar. I believe my 4 time-tested ideas for long-distance grandparenting will help you lessen the challenge.
Let me start with a little background.
How We Became Long Distance Grandparents
Moving thousands of miles from where my husband and I called home was a dream come true. City life no longer held its appeal and w were ready to embark on a new adventure in a small town.
When we decided to move, we knew our family would be spread out all over the country. Indeed, two of our adult children were already living hundreds of miles away.
Our move has been successful. And we’ve been blessed with many grandchildren.
However, I must admit that long-distance grandparenting has been challenging
With that said, I’ve learned that any long-distance grandparent can build a meaningful bond with their grandchildren with the right attitude.
Let’s get started.
Long Distance Grandparenting Idea #1 – Write a Letter
In this day and age of instant communication, it’s a thrill to open your mailbox and receive a piece of snail mail. Surprise a grandchild with a special letter, and let the bonding begin! Want to score extra points? Enclose small items, stickers, or a drawing that you made yourself.
You’ll need to initiate the letter-writing process and I encourage you to set a goal for yourself. Perhaps writing one letter a week will work for you. Tell stories about your childhood, ask questions that make your grandchild think, or share interesting facts about the place where you live. Be creative and think outside of the box.
I am a summer to-do list-maker. One summer, I challenged myself to send a letter a week. Although my grandchildren took vacations, went to summer camp, and always seemed busy, I kept in touch with them all season long.
It was a wonderful experience of sharing and learning about each other. I received many replies, but I caution you not to expect it. Letter writing may be too difficult for the younger set, while some of the older grandchildren may have little interest in letter correspondence. Despite that, it doesn’t mean your letter didn’t make an impact.
3 letter writing ideas to “wow” your grandchildren.
1. The mystery letter.
The mystery letter builds suspense and is a favorite with younger children. It is a bit too corny for tweens and teens.
Here’s how it works:
First – write a simple, one-page letter. A large sheet of paper works best.
Second – cut the letter into 3 pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle. Put one piece of the letter into an envelope. It doesn’t matter if it is the closing of your letter, the middle, or the beginning. Mix it up and have fun. It’s all about creating suspense for the recipient of your letter. I recommend writing “Part 1 of 3” on the back of the envelope to alert your grandchild and their parents that this is part of a series of letters.
Third – mail the letter with one piece enclosed and save the other pieces to be mailed on days 2 and 3. When all of the pieces arrive, the letter is complete!
2. The survey letter
Here’s how it works:
Embark on a journey of discovery with a survey letter. Learn about your grandchild’s likes and dislikes with a short questionnaire. The survey letter relieves you and your grandchild of the awkward 3rd-degree conversations that may arise with phone calls. The survey letter helps you get to know your grandchild better.
Instead of your little one being put on the spot and having to come up with answers for a curious grandma or grandpa, a survey letter affords them the space to answer, in, and on their own time. A survey letter encourages your grandchild to share more with you.
Remember to introduce your letter and share some of your thoughts on the topic.
Give instructions on how to show their answers by circling, underlining, etc.
Ask them to return the survey to you.
3. The postcard
Here’s how it works:
Postcards are fun to send and a pleasure to receive. They’re short and sweet snippets of what you’re up to. Sending a postcard from a faraway place never goes out of style. They are fun to send and a pleasure to receive.
Encourage your grandchildren to send postcards to you when they are out of town.
Tip #1 Benefits: For the long-distance grandparent, letter writing encourages creativity and builds memorable and meaningful relationships.
Long Distance Grandparenting Idea #2 – Schedule a Telephone Call.
Make a call. Have fun and hear each other’s voices.
There is a lot to be said about the sound of someone’s voice, and the soothing, forceful, or cranky tone of a grandparent can say a lot to a grandchild. Grandchildren who talk to their grandparents over the phone benefit by developing social skills while also learning about their grandparent’s personalities.
If you or your grandchild aren’t the chatty types, playing games over the phone can help alleviate the gap of silence.
Favorite original games to play over the phone.
♥Who Put the Dot
My grandmother used to play this game with me, and although better played in person, “Who Put the Dot” can turn a 15-minute phone chat with a grandchild into a successful long-distance playtime.
You will need a bit of imagination.
First, form an image in your mind of drawing a circle on your grandchild’s back. Ask them to listen carefully, while you draw a circle with your finger.
Very slowly say “Round, round the circle, who puts the dot”?
At this point, select one of your fingers as the digit that puts the dot on your grandchild’s back.
Now, ask which finger put the dot. If answered correctly, it becomes your grandchild’s turn to draw the circle and put the dot.
No cheating for the sake of being kind to your grandchild. If they don’t guess correctly, they will eventually. And when it becomes their turn, you may be the one losing the guesses.
♥ Do We Have
Remember the game “I See Something”, or “I Spy”, as it’s commonly known?
With a simple modification, this game becomes “Do We Have” for the long-distance grandparent.
Start by asking a question about something you have in your home. For instance, you might ask, “Do we have a brown sofa?” The grandchild answers yes or no.
Depending on the accuracy, it becomes their turn or remains yours.
Liven it up a bit, by asking silly questions. For example, “Do we have a purple dinosaur standing in our backyard?” or “Did we paint the ceilings red?”
You get the idea. You will be surprised at how much kids enjoy this simple over-the-telephone game.
Tip #2 Benefits: Good phone skills are necessary, but telephone time can also be playtime.
Long Distance Grandparenting Idea #3 – Use Modern Technology to Connect.
With the help of modern technology, long-distance grandparents can stay in touch through various means. Connecting by video, texts, and other social media, boomers can immediately share experiences and develop special bonds with their grandchildren.
-Video Calling
Programs and apps like Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime enable long-distance grandparents to satisfy their wish to see grandchildren in action.
You may not be able to hug and squeeze them, but it’s the next best thing to being there.
Gestures and facial expressions communicate emotion. Both grandparent and grandchild can convey a myriad of feelings through video calls.
- Webcams make it possible to attend long-distance birthday parties and holiday gatherings.
- Consider a weekly book club get-together where you read to your grandchild and your grandchild reads to you.
- If your video chat gets boring, wrap it up. It’s always better to leave them wanting more than wanting less.
Cement your long-distance grandparent relationship with video chats. You’ll experience a familiarity when you finally get to see your grandchild.
Don’t shy away from texting.
It doesn’t matter if you are awkward with a keyboard, let your fingers do the talking.
There are many ways to send text messages; Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype Chat, SnapChat, and of course through your phone.
As text messaging is one of the most common forms of communication with the younger crowd, you would be remiss not to try to connect with them this way. I would say it is by far one of the easiest methods to reach your grandchildren.
-Send thinking of you messages
Don’t be a boring grandparent, and simply say, “I was thinking of you today.”
Make an impact!
If you think, read, or see something that reminds you of your grandchild, share it. One of the best ways to show your love for them is to remember what they are interested in.
-Send pictures of yourself being cool
There are lots of ways to be cool that don’t include doing a headstand.
Think of sharing awesome pictures of sunsets, or a shot of the scenery while hiking or biking.
Everyday experiences are fun to share as well. Why not show the cookies you’ve baked, the dead mouse the cat dragged in, or the colorful produce department at your local grocery store?
The possibilities are endless.
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Tip #3 Benefits: Smartphones, and video calling open up opportunities to share experiences and bond with grandchildren immediately.
Grandparenting From a Distance Idea #4 – Social Media
Facebook and Instagram are excellent ways to bridge the gap and keep in touch with grandchildren. It isn’t necessary to speak to them directly on these social media sites. However, through Direct Messaging (DM), you can always share a personal comment, or even chat.
Share things that interest you, and look at what they share to get to know them better. Don’t write in ALL CAPS. That means you’re shouting, and makes you look tech-no. Some older men do this, and it is very uncool.
Don’t get too personal. That could be embarrassing. Facebook and Instagram are public forums, so keep it chill.
Tip #4 Benefits: Being on social media shows you’re up to date with modern technology and kids respect that.
Grandparenting From a Distance Idea #5 – Live Stream
Sporting events, graduation, dance recitals…you name it! This idea is not always possible, mainly due to poor internet connection, but it’s worthwhile looking into it.
If your grandchild participates in a competition, for example, playing volleyball in a school gymnasium, the school may record the activity for their use. If so, you may be able to stream it live through your computer by logging on to their website.
Although the quality was not the best while streaming a volleyball tournament from Alaska, I had a front-row seat to watch my granddaughter’s game. That was important to me and made watching the low-quality video worth it!
Additionally, Rebel Retiree and I have had front-row seats at graduation ceremonies. Watching from afar is not the same as being there, but it helps us keep up with our grandchildren’s milestones.
Tip #5 Benefits: If you can be there in person, live-streaming events show how much you care about your grandchild’s milestones.
According to a grandparenting study in 2019 from AARP, approximately 50 percent of grandparents live more than 200 miles from their grandchildren.
That’s a substantial percentage. It’s comforting to know that we’re alone when it comes to grandparenting from a distance.
Having said that, it must be noted that communication is the key to successful long-distance grandparenting. And the ideas for grandparenting from a distance are limitless.
Letter writing, telephone calls, and modern technology are important for long-distance grandparenting.
Think modern, use your imagination, and in turn establish a bond and build relationships with your grandchildren that will last a lifetime.