The Influence of Peer Pressure on Retirement Plans

Unless you have successfully overcome peer pressure, you may still be conforming to its negative influences, including behaving in ways that your peer group expects regarding your retirement. Before the peer group’s influence, your life was carefree. You were content with simple pleasures, unconcerned with (Learn more!)

5 Reasons to Embrace Change in Retirement

Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein Change is unavoidable.  For this reason, if we want to be happy retirees, we must embrace change with gusto like never before. We should commit to thriving, (Learn more!)

Kid Tested Ideas for Long-Distance Grandparenting

Long-distance grandparenting is a challenge. I know because I am a long-distance Sweet Mom, Grandma, and Gran. As a long-distance grandmother, I’ve learned some things about how to bond with grandchildren from afar. I believe my time-tested ideas for long-distance grandparenting will help you lessen (Learn more!)