Have you ever found yourself spending money to “save” money? There’s a word for that: *spaving*. It’s the sneaky habit of justifying purchases because of discounts, bulk deals, or buy-one-get-one sales. We’ve all spaved – I know I have! On the surface, spaving feels smart. (Learn more!)
Debt-Free Lifestyle
Tips for Living Debt Free
Tips for Living Debt-Free in Retirement
If you’re like most baby boomers, you’ve probably experienced the feeling of having too much credit card debt. Maybe you’re carrying a balance from month to month, or perhaps you’ve been hit with an unexpected late fee or two. Either way, credit card debt can (Learn more!)
What is it Like to be Debt-Free? 8 Traits of a Debt-Free Retiree
In a world where the average baby boomer enters retirement with mortgage payments, car notes, credit card debt, and sometimes student loans, debt-free retirees are free from the burden and struggle that debt can cause. Living debt-free is liberating but requires certain traits such as (Learn more!)