Retirement: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Thrive

Middle Aged Couple - Step Out of Comfort Zone - Rebel Retirement

Retirement is the perfect time for a fresh start. It’s a chance to leave behind a stale and unfulfilling lifestyle and step outside of your comfort zone and explore new possibilities. In this post, I’ll look at what it takes to step out of your comfort zone and how thriving in retirement is possible if you take that first step.

Identifying Your Comfort Zone: Understand What’s Holding You Back

The comfort zone is where you feel most at home. It’s where you feel comfortable and secure. It may be where your tribe resides – a place where you’ve always lived and worked. More than likely, it’s a combination of the repetitive actions you take every day. For the most part, it’s done unconsciously. It’s boring. And this complacency is your handicap to expanding your horizons. But stepping into the unknown is uncomfortable and scary. First, assess what’s holding you back. Is it embarrassment, awkwardness, or fear of change? Once you determine that, and work through it, you can Wake Up and Live, as Dorothea Brande says!

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Exploring Beyond the Comfort Zone: New Opportunities & Adventures

In Rebel Retiree’s article The Grass is Greener – Find a Retirement Haven That Suits You, he says “Just because you were born somewhere, doesn’t mean you have you die there!” Let’s use that quote to represent what might be holding you back from exploring new opportunities of any kind. For instance, just because you’re older doesn’t mean you can’t take your life in a whole new direction – a direction you’ve put off because of your job and circumstance. Whether it’s moving, traveling, or learning something new, seize opportunities and find your adventure. Don’t design your retirement to look like everyone else’s. It doesn’t require money to take a leap of faith and forge ahead.

Thriving in Retirement: Letting Go of Fears & Embrace the Future

Letting go of fears and embracing the future is the key to a successful retirement. Retirement may not be what you expected, but you can decide to thrive, and not simply survive. With this in mind, adapt to your present situation and accept that change is inevitable. Then, determine what’s holding you back from achieving your retirement goals. Ask yourself, “ What am I afraid of?” Then listen for the answer. By developing a positive attitude and the right mindset, anyone can overcome their fears and move toward achieving their retirement goals. Create your future by taking action today!

Making the Most of Retirement: Creating the Life You Deserve

Get comfortable with discomfort and create a life that you actually want to live! Make a commitment to get the skills you need for success. Build confidence. Listen to motivational speakers and believe in yourself. Be creative and think outside the box. Look at the world around you and determine what you truly value. Have the courage to explore your dreams and find the path with a heart. Any small step towards your goal is a success. Celebrate it!

4  Steps to Help Step Out of Your Retirement Comfort Zone

No. 1 – Set a Goal – Make your goal specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve. The more specific your goal is, the easier it will be to work towards it. 

No. 2 – Make a Plan – Making a plan is key to achieving your goal. Breaking down your goal into smaller steps will make it feel more manageable and less daunting.

No. 3 – Take Action – Taking action is the most important part of getting out of your comfort zone. Once you start taking steps towards your goal, you’ll find it becomes easier and more enjoyable.

No. 4 – Be Persistent – Don’t give up if you don’t achieve your goal right away. Be persistent and keep working towards it.


Retirement is a great opportunity to discover new passions and make the most of your life. While it can be intimidating to leave your retirement comfort zone behind, the reward of living a full and abundant life is worth taking the first step. With the right preparation, you can find the courage to take that first step and thrive in retirement.

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Photo by Greta Hoffman :

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