In a world inundated with advice, certain retirement money myths persist that make me want to scream. These age-old assertions often go unchallenged, leading many to accept them as inevitable truths. However, it’s time we question these conventions and explore alternative perspectives that empower us (Learn more!)
The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life.
Dealing With Retirement – A Time of Great Change
Retirement is a time of great change. Don’t stifle the adventure because you refuse to change. Let go of stereotypes and resistant thinking. Accept change as it comes. Step out of your comfort zone and meet your future with enthusiasm. Embrace change and go with (Learn more!)
Tips for Living Debt-Free in Retirement
If you’re like most baby boomers, you’ve probably experienced the feeling of having too much credit card debt. Maybe you’re carrying a balance from month to month, or perhaps you’ve been hit with an unexpected late fee or two. Either way, credit card debt can (Learn more!)
Yes! Retire at 62 and Work Part-Time in Retirement
It’s a great idea to work part-time during retirement, especially if you also take advantage of collecting Social Security benefits at 62. Furthermore, working part-time during retirement can help you make the most of your resources, whether you have a lot or a little. It (Learn more!)
Should I Move When I Retire – Only If You Have What it Takes
Should I move when I retire is a question often asked by retirees and those planning retirement. Equally important, I think, is the question, “How independent am I?” The question is very important because a strong sense of independence is essential for success for any (Learn more!)
11 Items Retirees Should Get Before It’s Too Late
Now that I’m retired, I have more time to ponder. You might say that pondering is my hobby. I once said that if I didn’t have to earn a living, I would sit around and ponder all day. Lately, I’ve been thinking about the future (Learn more!)
How Will Social Security Contact Me?
Are you confused as to how Social Security will contact you about retirement benefits? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. With that said, let me note that there are various methods the Social Security Administration uses for communication. It’s not complicated. Although we all (Learn more!)
Perks: Retirement Has its Privileges in a Pandemic
Have you noticed that retirement has its privileges during the coronavirus pandemic? It may be difficult to imagine there are perks, especially as Americans and people around the globe continue to suffer deeply from the detrimental health and economic effects of Covid19. The pandemic has (Learn more!)
Don’t Worry if You Exceed the Social Security Earnings Limit
Don’t worry if you’ve exceeded the annual Social Security earnings limit, or think you might. I know from experience that returning the money to Social Security is painless and efficient. In the following text, I will explain how it works. But first, let me give (Learn more!)
How to Retire at 62 with Little Money [It’s About Value]
As Boomers, my husband and I know that people want to retire, but are worried about money. And with Just in Time Retirement – an innovative retirement lifestyle plan, you can. With the tips we offer, you have the freedom to develop a lifestyle to (Learn more!)
How to Retire Well When You Don’t Have a Lot of Money (Value-Based Planning)
How do you retire well when you don’t have a lot of money? It’s a great question, yet also subjective. That’s because we all have different ideas of what defines retirement and what defines a comfortable lifestyle. With that in mind, I have a practical (Learn more!)
5 Smart Reasons to Claim Social Security Benefits at 62
Why do so many people claim Social Security benefits at 62 years of age, you might ask? Well, for those who have made that decision, the answer can attract a lot of negative opinions. As a matter of fact, some may feel hesitant to admit (Learn more!)
Eliminating Waste and the Cost of Ownership
Imagine that you retired today. How would you celebrate the occasion? The quintessential act is to embark on a journey with no timetable. After all, no one is expecting you at the office, ever again! One man that we met was embarking on his journey. (Learn more!)
Should I Move to a 55+ Retirement Community [Why I Wouldn’t]
Different strokes for different folks. While 55-plus retirement communities might appeal to some, they aren’t for me. Despite well-oiled sales pitches and attractive adverts with beautiful stock photos of sunshine, palm trees, and smiling people, the idea of living in a gated community with others (Learn more!)
This is What Retirement Could Look Like if You’re Ready
5S and Muda – Crucial Tools for Just-In-Time Retirement For the older worker, a wage-paying job or career has no future. Using it to build an inventory (waste) of wealth to provide for an unknowable future hampers one from adding value to the life that (Learn more!)
Just in Time Retirement in a Just in Time World
How do you teach an old dog new tricks? In most cases, maybe you can’t. The way we conduct business has changed fundamentally over the last 30 years. Those that adopted these changes have the opportunity to thrive and those that couldn’t adapt to the (Learn more!)
Solutions if you Didn’t Save Enough for Retirement
Are you a baby boomer who didn’t save enough for retirement or lost your savings in the stock market crash of 2008? If so, you’re not alone. An estimated 45% of boomers have zero savings for their retirement. This article is for you if you’re (Learn more!)
A Generation Lost In Space
How to retire? Amass a huge inventory of wealth and then go on a spending spree until you die. This wealth is not to be built by normal means, it can only grow by speculating that others, just as ignorant, will continue to push the (Learn more!)
Should I Take Social Security at 62 or Wait [Do the Math]
Are you basing your retirement plan on advice from the media, thinking you’ll work forever to build the ultimate nest egg? Are you delaying Social Security until age 70 for that bigger monthly payout? Here’s a thought: Waiting until 70 might not be your best (Learn more!)
What Happens to Old People Who Don’t Save for Retirement?
(Author’s Opinion) What happens to old people who don’t save for retirement? Typically, responses to these questions tend to be pessimistic. Why is this the case? Because so many people only see despair and deprivation when pondering this question. Unfortunately, they cannot see anything except (Learn more!)
What is it Like to be Debt-Free? 8 Traits of a Debt-Free Retiree
In a world where the average baby boomer enters retirement with mortgage payments, car notes, credit card debt, and sometimes student loans, debt-free retirees are free from the burden and struggle that debt can cause. Living debt-free is liberating but requires certain traits such as (Learn more!)