We know that people want to retire, but are worried about money. We retired early and think you can do that as well with Just-in-Time Retirement – an innovative retirement lifestyle plan we started based on our experience. With the tips we offer, you have (Learn more!)
7 Health Insurance Options for Early Retirement at 62
Did you know that 62 is the most common retirement age in the U.S.? It’s the age many step into their long-awaited freedom—but with that freedom comes an important question: How do you handle healthcare before Medicare kicks in? A follower recently asked me this (Learn more!)
Retirement Stress? Benefits of Yoga for Relaxation
If you’re feeling stressed about your retirement, or any other challenge in your life, try yoga for stress relief. It’s a natural remedy for relieving stress and anxiety. Not only do I absolutely love yoga, but I find it fascinating that The Journal of Alternative and (Learn more!)
Spaving Hurts Your Retirement Goals
Have you ever found yourself spending money to “save” money? There’s a word for that: *spaving*. It’s the sneaky habit of justifying purchases because of discounts, bulk deals, or buy-one-get-one sales. We’ve all spaved – I know I have! On the surface, spaving feels smart. (Learn more!)
Retirement Planning: Are We Making a Huge Mistake?
Start young, go to college, get a job, be a consumer, borrow beyond your means, gamble with your savings, and hope to have enough money to retire wealthy. Have you ever considered that we’ve been planning for retirement all wrong? Societal Pressures in Retirement Planning (Learn more!)
Challenging 5 Retirement Money Myths
In a world inundated with advice, certain retirement money myths persist that make me want to scream. These age-old assertions often go unchallenged, leading many to accept them as inevitable truths. However, it’s time we question these conventions and explore alternative perspectives that empower us (Learn more!)
9 Ways to Combat Retirement Loneliness
The fear of being alone in retirement is quite common and is second only to the fear of running out of money during retirement. While everyone may experience loneliness at some point in their lives, retirement loneliness presents new and unique challenges. Additionally, the likelihood (Learn more!)
Laughter Yoga for a Joyful Retirement
Today, I’ll embark on a journey into the realm of Laughter Yoga—a combination of laughter and yogic breathing. As older adults, this type of yoga practice has a great impact on our health and longevity. Let’s explore this humble practice. I’ll begin by explaining the (Learn more!)
Teaching English Online: Supplemental Income for Retirees
Teaching English online may be your money lifeline to skyrocketing prices and dwindling bank accounts. Our wallets are feeling the squeeze. Prices have hit the roof on everything from housing, food, clothing, entertainment, and gas. So, if you’re feeling the financial pinch and are looking (Learn more!)
Retirement: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Thrive
Retirement is the perfect time for a fresh start. It’s a chance to leave behind a stale and unfulfilling lifestyle and step outside of your comfort zone and explore new possibilities. In this post, I’ll look at what it takes to step out of your (Learn more!)
How Resilience Can Help You Cope With Retirement
It’s easy to feel despondent as we see the disappearance of pensions, tumbling 401(k) balances, shrinking dollars, and an unstable housing market. It’s no wonder many feel overwhelmed or even defeated by all of the adversity we may encounter along the way. But there’s a (Learn more!)
Dealing With Retirement – A Time of Great Change
Retirement is a time of great change. Don’t stifle the adventure because you refuse to change. Let go of stereotypes and resistant thinking. Accept change as it comes. Step out of your comfort zone and meet your future with enthusiasm. Embrace change and go with (Learn more!)
Power of Play for Older Adults – 5 Ways to Unleash It
It’s easy to unleash the power of play. It can be as simple as coloring or blowing bubbles. Most agree that laughter is the best medicine and exercise is the cheapest cure. In like manner, play is pleasant and restores our sense of well-being. Play (Learn more!)
Tips for Living Debt-Free in Retirement
If you’re like many Americans you’ve probably experienced the feeling of having too much credit card debt. Maybe you’re carrying a balance from month to month, or perhaps you’ve been hit with an unexpected late fee or two. Either way, credit card debt can feel (Learn more!)
Novel Gift Ideas That Don’t Take Up Space – for Older Adults
I remember my aunt complaining to her sisters about the gifts they gave my grandmother. She said the gifts were useless dust catchers, knick-knacks, and junk. Please! Give her something practical! Thereafter, I think my grandmother received slippers, nightgowns, and handkerchiefs. Not the most exciting (Learn more!)
Live Longer with Positive Thinking – 7 Tips to Cultivate Optimism
In my mid-30s, I began focusing on the power of positive thinking. Rebel Retiree and I were going through a financial rough patch and I was having a hard time with it. Challenging as it was, I learned a lot about mindset and how optimism (Learn more!)
How to Grow Ashwagandha From Seeds for Healthy Aging
How to grow Ashwagandha from seeds can be a new adventure for healthy aging enthusiasts. Cultivating and growing your medicinal herbs can be a very rewarding experience. Plus, you’ll feel a little more self-sufficient knowing that you’re being proactive with your health. In this article, (Learn more!)
Get a Grip! 3 Hand Strengthening Exercises for Retirees
It’s easy to overlook hand-strengthening exercises when planning our workout routines. We may be more interested in burning belly fat or increasing our cardio endurance. However, maintaining strong hand strength as we grow older is very important. It’s important because hand fitness plays a significant (Learn more!)
Yes! Retire at 62 and Work Part-Time in Retirement
It’s a great idea to work part-time during retirement, especially if you also take advantage of collecting Social Security benefits at 62. Furthermore, working part-time during retirement can help you make the most of your resources, whether you have a lot or a little. It (Learn more!)
Should I Move When I Retire – Only If You Have What it Takes
Should I move when I retire is a question often asked by retirees and those planning retirement. Equally important, I think, is the question, “How independent am I?” The question is very important because a strong sense of independence is essential for success for any (Learn more!)
11 Items Retirees Should Get Before It’s Too Late
Now that I’m retired, I have more time to ponder. You might say that pondering is my hobby. I once said that if I didn’t have to earn a living, I would sit around and ponder all day. Lately, I’ve been thinking about the future (Learn more!)
How Will Social Security Contact Me?
Are you confused as to how Social Security will contact you about retirement benefits? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. With that said, let me note that there are various methods the Social Security Administration uses for communication. It’s not complicated. Although we all (Learn more!)