
How to Survive Your Husband’s Retirement

If you’re looking for tips on how to cope with your husband’s retirement, know that you’re not alone.  Many of us have concerns and questions about how to adjust to our husband’s retirement. However, the key to surviving this transition is to start by checking (Learn more!)

[Home Exchange]Affordable Travel for Retirees

If you had your druthers, how would you spend your retirement? Many people answer that they would like to travel – to experience foreign countries, see exotic landscapes, or visit all of America’s national parks. However, traveling can be expensive. It’s only a dream for (Learn more!)

The Truth About Superfoods and Healthy Aging

Foods and products labeled superfoods are not the answer to healthy aging. In this article, I explain why. We’ve all heard the buzzword “superfoods”.  And you may already realize that the food industry uses this term to influence your buying habits. Furthermore, if you’re on (Learn more!)

Coping with Top 9 Stressors of Retirement

There’s a unique set of challenges that come with retirement. So, yes, retirement can cause stress. But, stress is a normal part of life. However, with retirement comes aging. This combination may test us more than any other life-changing event we’ve encountered up to this (Learn more!)