[Home Exchange]Affordable Travel for Retirees

If you had your druthers, how would you spend your retirement? Many people answer that they would like to travel – to experience foreign countries, see exotic landscapes, or visit all of America’s national parks. However, traveling can be expensive. It’s only a dream for (Learn more!)

The Truth About Superfoods and Healthy Aging

Foods and products labeled superfoods are not the answer to healthy aging. In this article, I explain why. We’ve all heard the buzzword “superfoods”.  And you may already realize that the food industry uses this term to influence your buying habits. Furthermore, if you’re on (Learn more!)

Coping with Top 9 Stressors of Retirement

There’s a unique set of challenges that come with retirement. So, yes, retirement can cause stress. But, stress is a normal part of life. However, with retirement comes aging. This combination may test us more than any other life-changing event we’ve encountered up to this (Learn more!)

A Generation Lost In Space

How to retire? Amass a huge inventory of wealth and then go on a spending spree until you die. This wealth is not to be built by normal means, it can only grow by speculating that others, just as ignorant, will continue to push the (Learn more!)

What Was Retirement Like Before Social Security

Many conclude that retirement before Social Security was horrible, but was it? For nearly 250 years during colonial times, on the frontier, and until the late 1890s, families made their living in rural farm communities. The family unit was self-reliant and self-sufficient. They did not (Learn more!)

Nutritional Benefits of Cucumbers for Healthier Aging

Part of our self-reliant-retirement-lifestyle is growing our own organic vegetables. It helps to round out our food budget without having to pay high prices at the supermarket for organically grown. But, what I truly love are the many health benefits that home-grown vegetables provide. (Find (Learn more!)

How to Fix Cracked Heels [Problem Solved]

After 25 years of cracked heel anxiety, I solved my problem with Okeefe’s, the best cream for cracked heels! I used to dread sandal season until I started using O’Keefe’s for Healthy Feet Foot Cream.  My cracked heels embarrassed me too much to even think (Learn more!)